Photo of Jared Pomerance

Jared Pomerance


Jared is a member of the Business & Consumer Services sector team. He focuses especially on companies in financial and insurance services.

Jared joined Charlesbank in 2022 from Parthenon Capital, where he was a Vice President focused on buyouts in financial & insurance services. Previously, he worked as a Vice President at Pamplona Capital and as an Associate at Audax Group Private Equity.

Education & Credentials

Middlebury College – BA in Economics, magna cum laude
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth – MBA, Tuck Scholar with high distinction and recipient of the Willard M. Bollenbach Jr. 1949 scholarship


Jared and his wife spend most of their time with their son and dog or getting outside and love getting outside with both. In his free time, Jared also enjoys cycling and backcountry skiing, as well as cooking and reading. Hailing from Massachusetts, he is a New England lifer and therefore an unabashed Boston sports fan.

Portfolio Involvement